The outside presentation of this office building was ‘tired’…
BEFORE… with overgrown shrubs and tilting planters.
The project started with removal of the existing gardens…
… and sidewalks.
A new entrance sidewalk was designed… with contrasting concretes…
…that were textured…
…and coloured.
Concrete outlines were poured…
… with feature stones…
…and borders…
…for plantings…
… to create the finished gardens.
This commercial design involved a landscape update to improve its street presence.
BEFORE… this old public school, built in 1910, was scheduled for demolition.
Started with major structural work including…
…AFTER with a new grade level entrance to the new services.
Medical Centre
New Cupola gives this building a visual focal point.
Medical Centre Addition
New facade for an office building.
Design proposal for a public reception centre.
Newly completed building.
BEFORE… restoration work.
AFTER replacement of old and rotting sections.
An old building finds a new location and stable foundation.
Pioneer Village